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    From Coffee to Fuel for London Buses

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    What’s new in environmental change: the coffee is not used as a charge just for people but also for providing fuel to buses. All this happens in London.

    The world is full of novelties for greening our planet and invest less money in energy production. But when these initiatives are really made of? In London this happened. With this initiative, the idea is to use a minimal amount of fuel for buses circulate in the city and use the coffee as alternative resource.

    London traffic is quite high but especially is high fuel consumption used for traffic in the city. In addition the London people are using very public transport for commuting from home to them for that would be useful to find an alternative energy source to fuel. There are many green initiatives proposals but one for all has shocked audiences around the world.

    In London you consume on average 2.3 cups of coffee per day. What happens to the 200,000 tons of funds produced each year? Sending them to landfill would cause up to 126,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. So came up with the idea to use them in an alternative way. Are then reused as a source of energy, becoming fuel for buses.

    New renewable energy source found in coffee gr ounds produced by billions of coffee drunk by the British in the year.

    The biofuel was renamed B20: invented by the Shell oil company in cooperation with Bio-ben, uk company specialising in the development of fuel and fuel derived from coffee grounds, which shall collect the scraps from large chain stores and factories, dry them and process to extract coffee oil, of which it is composed of 20%. Argent Energy, the other partner in the project, will transform this oil into biofuel blend.

    For now were produced 6,000 liters of oil that, if used as a pure mixture for diesel fuel mixed with organic component to form the B20, can help feed the London bus diesel engines.

    The idea is that these alternatives green continue and are increasingly those then actually used to reduce emissions and protect the planet.

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