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    International Hub 2017: The Best Ground Coffee Suppliers

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    During HUB 2017 were exposed and studies to improve the quality of coffee for ground coffee suppliers. During the Conference the scientists exposed their results but research on coffee will never end.

    Between conferences, reports and important guests is just after the International coffee research and innovation Hub dedicated to “the quality of coffee: a never ending quest”, organized by the University of Camerino (Macerata) and sponsored by Simonelli Group.

    What were the main topics addressed in this wholly scientific conference dedicated to coffee? First, it was left ample room for the analysis of machines: comparisons between different types of extraction, accompanied by chemical analyses and tests in different laboratories.

    It then emerged, according to studies by professor Chahan Yeretzian of Zurich University of Applied Sciences, that the express is best distilled from traditional machines and automated ones, although professional, don’t they extract one of equal quality. Another aspect highlighted, it is appropriate to use generic names as Arabica and Robusta to indicate the different types of coffee. The reflection was born after listening to the speech of Professor Luciana Florêncio de Almeida of Brazil and the precision of Saō Paulo Espm manic with which indicated the various Brazilian coffee (name, surname, address, producer).

    During the Conference there were several topics regarding coffee for ground coffee suppliers. From more distant countries than those nearer the coffee trade has a wider beam.

    Speech is not negligible, the one related to climate change and all the problems that are creating the cultivation of coffee in some parts of the world, including Ethiopia. Analysis of sensonomico approach as a useful tool for understanding the influence of processing parameters in the production of coffee on the changes in the principal aromatics of coffee based drinks.

    Latest topics mentioned: genetics, cultivation, supply chain management (SCM), roasting curves, quality in the Cup and machines that detect substances present in infinitesimal quantities, sensory properties of a cup of espresso, exploration of trends in social media communication and marketing opportunities for the world of coffee.

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